Our call of duty is to serve. A servant is a person who is devoted to or guided by something, often gifts, talents, time, and energy. Being a servant and serving others is one of the most important things one can do in their lifetime. Serving is about honoring God. Modish Serve is a platform where anyone can join us in serving the community and world one child at a time.
Our youth are our future. We must teach and provide knowledge to help them succeed by instiling the tools that we once may not have been accessible to have. Modish Serve Mentorship program is a place where leaders become mentors and the examples to lead youth in the direction of following their dreams. We strive to motivate, inspire, and educate.
You only get one life to live so making it a life worth living is very important. However, making a life worth living for someone else is far more important and honorable. Understanding why God put you here is one of the most important principles when is comes to discovering your unique purpose and calling in life. Being able to help rebuild a life for someone who may be denied rights or not have the means to get by is not just a goal but our mission. Modish Serve Mission's purpose and calling is to be a light to follow, a voice to understand, and a shoulder to lean on.
It is your responsibility to show people how to live, what you allow God to do in your life will show others how. Giving without expectation leads to receiving without limitation. Modish Serve Ministry is a platform for people to be a blessing in others lives through serving, uplifting, and giving with an open heart.